Observation of Socio-Emotional Development among Students in Early Childhood Education
Socio-emotional Development, Pedagogical ApproachesAbstract
Socio-emotional development is a major concern of teachers’ pedagogical approaches to early childhood education. This research was designed to identify self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship skills among junior students. The study was descriptive in nature, and the target population was comprised of students from ECE private schools in Rawalpindi. Getting consent for classroom observation was a sensitive process, and a sample of 160 students from twenty schools was considered sufficient. The observational tool was divided into four broad categories of socio-emotional development, i.e., self-awareness; self-management; social-awareness; & relationship skills of students. The observational checklist was pilot-tested on forty students, and face validity was improved through experts’ opinions. Data was collected, scored, tabulated, and analyzed by using percentages. Self-awareness among students was prominent, and pupils could identify their emotions when feeling happy, angry, or sad. Students were kept responsible for their work and focused on their tasks without being distracted. Most of the students have good social awareness and possess relationship skills with peers.
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