Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Academic Achievement at Secondary Level in District Mardan


  • Azmat Ali Shah Lecturer, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • Naseer Ahmad Post Doctoral Fellow, Islamic Research Institute, Faisal MAsjid Campus, International Islmaic University Islamabad, Pakistan.
  • Sadaf PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • Farman Ali M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • Maryam Khan PhD Scholar, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.



Emotional Intelligence, Academic Achievement, Secondary Level, District Mardan, Education


The main purpose of this study was to discover and find the relationship between the student’s intellect and their educational attainment at Mardan District Secondary School. The nature of the study was descriptive. The study population was made up of all male students from secondary schools located in the district of Mardan. For the sampling purpose, four government high schools were conveniently selected. In the next stage of sampling, forty learners were selected accidentally for the data collection from each school as a sample; therefore the study had 160 samples. Standard deviation and correlation tests were applied. It was found that the majority of the students have a strong emotional intelligence whereas their SSC score has no bearing on their intelligence. Moreover, the results revealed no association between academic success and IQ. It was recommended that the results of this study be further explored in various settings and with a larger group of students.

Author Biography

  • Azmat Ali Shah, Lecturer, Department of Education, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Shah, A. A., Ahmad, N., Sadaf, Ali, F., & Khan, M. (2024). Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Academic Achievement at Secondary Level in District Mardan. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences , 5(2), 26-33.