Exploring the Role of Lesson Planning on Prospective Teacher Professional Skills at the University of Narowal: A Qualitative Research Study
Lesson Planning, Prospective Teachers, Teacher TrainingAbstract
This qualitative research article investigates the impact of lesson planning on the professional skills of prospective teachers at the University of Narowal. Lesson planning is a critical component of effective teaching, and it usually influences the effectiveness of teacher training programs. The study employs qualitative research methods, including interviews and focus group discussions, to explore the perspectives and experiences of prospective teachers regarding the influence of lesson planning on their professional skill development. The study involves sixteen prospective teachers enrolled in teacher education programs in the 3rd and 8th semesters at the University of Narowal. As a sample of the study, these prospective teachers were selected by using a purposive sampling technique. The findings stated that lesson planning may play a key in teaching skill development and professional growth and make teaching and learning more effective during a planned class.
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