Pursuing Inclusive Vocational Education Amidst Discrimination: The Plight and Hopes of Christian Youth in Pakistan
Marginalised Groups, Religious Minorities, Christians, TVET, Inclusive, High-tech Vocational SkillsAbstract
In every part of the world, communities are considered minorities based on their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race. However, in the modern world, the concept of equality has been on the rise, and the right to technical education and being part of the skilled economy is one of the major rights to foster inclusiveness and help marginalized groups, particularly religious minorities who face dissent and hatred. This study aims to find out the challenges faced by Christian minorities in Pakistan in attaining education in the TVET sector, gathering data from 14 young Christian TVET trainees. It highlights key areas, obstacles, and challenges faced by this marginalized community, reflecting on their past educational experiences and future aspirations. Recommendations are made for TVET authorities and policymakers to attain an inclusive education system and practices.
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