Examining the Nexus Between Big Data Analytics Capabilities and Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Visibility in Manufacturing Organizations


  • Shahbaz Sultan PhD Scholar, Putra Business School, Malaysia. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2411-1218
  • Prof. Abu Bakar Abdul Hamid Professor, Putra Business School, Malaysia.
  • Dr. Ida Yasin Associate Professor, Putra Business School, Malaysia.
  • Muhammad Haroon Malik PhD Scholar, Putra Business School, Malaysia.
  • Saqlain Humayun COMSATS University, Pakistan.




Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Big Data Analytics Capabilities, upply Chain Visibility, Organizational Performance


Big data has revolutionized how businesses operate today, offering unprecedented insights. By harnessing vast amounts of data, companies can optimize performance, enhance decision-making, and drive efficiency. This research examined the relationship between big data analytics capabilities and organizational performance in the context of supply chain visibility based on sample data collected from 400 manufacturing firms operating in Pakistan. The data were gathered from experienced supply chain professionals with the help of a structured questionnaire while Smart PLS 4.0 was employed to evaluate the research model. The research findings indicate that big data analytics capabilities positively affect supply chain visibility and result in improved organizational performance. The study supports the research hypothesis that though big data analytics capabilities may not have a direct impact on organizational performance however, they can both indirectly and positively impact organizational performance when mediated by supply chain visibility. The findings recommend that manufacturing sector organisations should focus on improving supply chain visibility to optimise the benefits of big data analytics capabilities. This research extends the existing literature on big data analytics capabilities from a supply chain perspective, showing how they improve the performance of organisations and hence offer valuable insights to researchers and practitioners.

Author Biography


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How to Cite

Sultan, S., Hamid, A. B. A., Yasin, I., Malik, M. H., & Humayun, S. (2024). Examining the Nexus Between Big Data Analytics Capabilities and Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Visibility in Manufacturing Organizations. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences , 5(4), 49-63. https://doi.org/10.55737/qjss.971389566