Effect of Cooperative Learning on Grade VII Learners’ Creative Thinking Skills (CTSS) in Elementary School Science
Cooperative Learning, Creative Thinking Skills (CTSs), Elementary School ScienceAbstract
In every aspect of daily life, uniforms are fundamental. When we meet someone, we tend to judge them based on their uniform, such as a nurse's outfit, a labourers’ uniform, or a military uniform. "School uniform influences students’ social adjustment at secondary school level in district Bannu, KPK, Pakistan", is the main focus of this study. Due to its descriptive nature, a survey approach was used. The population of the study is 8073 male students enrolled in district Bannu's Government Secondary Schools. The applied sampling technique was a stratified random sampling technique. Five hundred respondents were selected as a sample, and the data was calculated using the John Curry (1984) formula. The "Five Point Likert Scale” was employed in a self-created survey instrument. The researcher made 41 statements and requested a panel of ten educational experts for validation. The researcher gave the questionnaire to fifty students. Utilized SPSS’s Cranach alpha to assess the questionnaire's reliability. Overall, Cranach's alpha was .83. Out of all 30 items that remained for the data collection, 11 were irrelevant because their "corrected item-total correlation" standards were less than .25. To find out "school uniform" and "social adjustment", frequency and percentage were employed. The effect was ascertained by Simple Linear Regression which shows that school uniforms significantly influence students’ social adjustment in the community at secondary school level in district Bannu.
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