Exploring Historical Patterns of Urban Migration in Pakistan: Origins and Drivers
Urban Migration, Demographic Factors, Economic Factors, Environmental Factors, PakistanAbstract
This study explores the historical patterns and antecedents of urban migration in Pakistan, focusing on the interaction of demographic, economic, and environmental factors. Economic factors like wage disparities, job opportunities, and service access significantly influence migration. Rapid urbanization and inadequate infrastructure make it difficult to house and integrate migrants, exacerbating existing housing, transportation, and healthcare issues. The study advocates for evidence-based policymaking, utilizing descriptive analysis, focusing on sustainable urban development, migrant welfare, and inclusive growth. This study has identified various economic, demographic, and environmental factors that have contributed to rapid urbanization, such as migration for healthcare, education, and services. Still, low economic growth and rapid population growth lead to higher unemployment, low wages, natural disasters, and political instability. It emphasizes prioritizing rural development, improving urban infrastructure, and increasing disaster resilience. Proposals call for regional cooperation and climate change adaptation strategies to address cross-border migration challenges.
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