Pivotal Role of Organization Culture in Teaching Learning Process: Monitoring Secondary Schools of Dir Upper, Pakistan
Oraganization Culture(OC), Teaching-Learning Process(TLP), Secondary Schools Students’ Motivation, Collective Leadership, Learning PartnershipAbstract
Organization culture is a fundamental and integral part of an organization, which influences its functions and interactions both internally and externally. Organization culture consists of shared principles, beliefs, experiences, values, attitudes, and habits which are unique to members of organization. Organization culture guides members to react to internal and external situations, either naturally or intentionally shaped by their actions, decisions, or initiatives. Organization culture plays significant role in making the teaching-leaning process effective and successful in school settings. The current study aims to analyze the relationship of organization culture and teaching-learning process. A co-relational survey research design was employed, and data was gathered through a questionnaire consisting of 39 items from a sample of 135 participants using a random sampling technique. The collected data has been analyzed using SPSS-22. The results of the study reveal that there is significant relationship between organization culture and teaching learning process. Additionally the study also highlights that there is significant effect of organization culture on teaching learning process. The study suggests that promoting a positive organization culture in schools can enhance the teaching and learning process, leading to better character-building and lifelong learning outcomes.
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