The Impact of Green Transformational Leadership on Sustainable Performance in Pakistan’s Manufacturing Sector: The Mediation Effect of Green Innovation


  • Aiman Butt MS Scholar, Department of Commerce and Economics, Superior University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Zubair Arshad Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and Economics, Superior University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Umair Butt MS Scholar, Department of Commerce and Economics, Superior University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.



Green Transformational Leadership, Green Innovation, Environmental Performance, Financial Performance, Social Performance


As the concerns about the environment grow and the need to promote sustainable practices becomes more pressing, organizations are looking increasingly to green transformational leadership as a key component in guiding their operations toward ecological responsibility. The goal of this study is to analyze the impact of green transformational leadership on sustainable performance mediated by green innovation. This is a quantitative study and uses a deductive approach. The Pakistan Securities Exchange Commission-regulated elite manufacturing sector, which employs manufacturing workers, was the subject of the study. Convenience sampling, a non-probability technique, was used to gather data from Pakistan's industrial companies. 250 people made up the study's sample, and 238 questionnaires were returned within the allotted research period. The study reveals a significant relationship between green transformational leadership, green innovation, and environmental, financial, and social performance. The study found a strong correlation between changes in green transformational leadership, predictable changes in green innovation, and improved environmental, financial, and social performance. This research is noteworthy because it shows how leadership shapes organizational strategies and behaviors, especially those related to sustainability. Understanding how green transformational leadership affects sustainable performance is crucial for researchers and managers alike as sectors struggle with the urgent need to address environmental issues.

Author Biography

  • Umair Butt, MS Scholar, Department of Commerce and Economics, Superior University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Butt, A., Arshad, Z., & Butt, U. (2024). The Impact of Green Transformational Leadership on Sustainable Performance in Pakistan’s Manufacturing Sector: The Mediation Effect of Green Innovation. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences , 5(3), 137-151.