Impact of Openness to Experience on Burnout: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing
Openness to Experience, Personality, Burnout, Knowledge Sharing, Psychological FatigueAbstract
Openness to experience is one of the important personality traits that negatively affect burnout. It reduces burnout among employees. Knowledge sharing positively affects employees' feelings within the organization settings, and it lowers their psychological fatigue. knowledge sharing mediates the relationship between openness to experience and burnout. A time-lagged study was conducted, and the data were collected using 39 39-item questionnaires from 420 employees of multinational organizations in three different time intervals. Data were tested using SPSS. For H1, β value was -0.47 at 0.000 significant level. H2 was also supported with β value of 0.61 at a p-value of 0.000; H3 was also supported at β value of -0.43 and P value of 0.000. Knowledge sharing mediates the relationship between openness to experience and burnout with an indirect effect of 0.29. Hence, all hypotheses were supported.
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