EU Recovery Plans and Digitalization in Public Value Creation: An Exploratory Research in European Countries


  • Dr. Zubair Ahmad Post-Doc Researcher, Department of Law, Economy, Management and Quantitative Methods (DEMM), University of Sannio, Italy.
  • Dr. Paolo Esposito Professor of Accounting, University of Parthenope, Naples, Italy.



EU Recovery Plans, Public Value,, Digital Transformation,, Social Impact, COVID-19


This study aims to highlight how the EU recovery plan is going to help the European countries in public value creation and social impact through digital transformation in five of the largest European economies during the COVID-19 pandemic era: France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, and Belgium. For this purpose, this study reviews the funding program in detail and analyzes how it is going to help the countries to recover their IT sector, Digital transformation.  Interpretivism patterns can be highly suitable for collecting data through the review of European Commission reports and the related literature. The data in this study will be collected through online research methods, through which the EU Commission reports can be analyzed and evaluated how the recovery plan is going to impact the member states and how it works for the best benefit of the public, as well as governments of the EU States. The review analysis also makes it clear that the selected countries are going to use the EU recovery plan and consume associated funds to improve their economic and social condition, which will improve public value, as well as leave a positive social impact through more opportunities and a strong GDP in the future.

Author Biography

  • Dr. Zubair Ahmad, Post-Doc Researcher, Department of Law, Economy, Management and Quantitative Methods (DEMM), University of Sannio, Italy.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, Z., & Esposito, P. (2024). EU Recovery Plans and Digitalization in Public Value Creation: An Exploratory Research in European Countries. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences , 5(3), 270-279.