Exploring the Impact of MBTI Personality Types on Teaching Methods
MBTI Personality Types,, Teaching Preferences,, Lesson Planning, Active Teaching, Reflective TeachingAbstract
The importance of personality traits impacting teaching practices is comprehending how teachers at different educational system levels treat learners, develop curricula, adopt applications and technologies, and give feedback. This research studies the influence of the correlation between the MBTI personality types of educators in the University of Swat and their teaching preferences, in addition to identifying educators’ learning style preferences connected to organized and flexible lesson planning, and active and reflective teaching. Under a quantitative research design approach, a structured questionnaire was completed by 50 teachers and associated staff. MBTI was used to determine participants' personality types with the researcher having established a Teaching Preferences Questionnaire to determine the participants’ perception about various teaching and learning styles. The feedback provided was made using a 5-point Likert scale and data analysis was done using SPSS version 27.0. To test the correlation between the various teaching preferences and the MBTI personality types, a set of statistical tools which included independent T-tests, ANOVA, Chi-Square tests, logistic regression, and Pearson correlation test were employed. This study revealed a significant relationship between personality traits and teaching behaviors. Teachers with relatively greater levels of feeling-oriented and intuitive characteristics were observed to adopt a dynamic approach to teaching which involved students incorporated concepts such as teaching involving students and had greater empathy and concern towards students. It was also found that students with certain personality types are more willing to adopt different technologies for enhancing the processes of teaching and learning. The study reveals a profound influence of the personality traits formulated by the MBTI on the choices of educators in teaching and the real methods applied. More specifically, the features of being feeling-oriented, intuitive, and judging predetermine the outlook on approaches to Active Teaching, structured lesson planning, application of technology in the learning process, and feedback methods.
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