The Impact of Motivational Techniques on the Academic Performance of Students at Secondary School Level
Motivational Techniques, Academic Performance, ImpactAbstract
The main objectives of this study were to investigate the impact of teacher support (motivational techniques) on students’ academic performance. The population of the study comprised 697 SST teachers and 8822 students of the 10th class of 85 public sectors, girls ‘secondary higher. Secondary schools of District Peshawar. The sample size comprised 248 SST teachers and 377 students of the 10th class. The sample was selected through a simple random sampling technique and was rationalized by using the Krejcie and Morgan sample size table. Data was collected from the respondents through self-constructed, 5- 5-point Likert scale Questionnaires consisting of 50 items each. Questionnaires were validated by experts, and their reliability was tested through the Cronbach alpha test. The study was descriptive in nature. This study used regression analysis (OLS technique to analyze the data. This study concluded that motivational techniques used by teachers have improved the academic performance of students. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that teachers and caregivers should make efforts to inculcate the value and knowledge of teacher-student interactions in order to improve students’ academic performance. Seminars and workshops should be held to educate both teachers and students on healthy teacher-student relationships.
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