Early Childhood Special Education: A Hope for Lost Oysters
Early Childhood Special Education, Inclusive ECSE, Early Childhood Education, Education of Children with Special NeedsAbstract
Education in the early years of life is crucial for the lifelong development of individuals and, ultimately, societies. Early childhood education programs initiated by govt. The private sector in Pakistan is striving to provide quality education. On the other hand, children with special needs are barred from participating in early childhood programs. This conceptual research paper explores the multifaceted terrains of early childhood special education (ECSE), intending to provide a comprehensive framework that integrates diverse perspectives and approaches. By intertwining evidence-based practices, this paper advocates inclusive early childhood special education. Through a transdisciplinary lens, it is explored that professionals of various disciplines can synergize their expertise to provide comprehensive support for children with Special Needs. This conceptual paper highlights the significance of ongoing professional development to ensure that educators are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to adapt to the evolving landscape of ECSE. This conceptual framework envisions a future in which early childhood special education becomes synonymous with inclusive education.
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