The Organizational Commitment, Psychological Capital, and Job Burnout among Teachers: Closer Focus on Job Sector
Organizational Commitment, Psychological Capital, Job Burnout, Job SectorsAbstract
The extent to which a person identifies with and actively participates in each organization is referred to as their organizational commitment, which is the attitude that influences employee behavior beneficial to the organization. The present study was designed to investigate the connection between job burnout, organizational commitment, and psychological capital among government and non-government officials. It also aimed to find out demographic differences, i.e., (job sector, gender, and job experience) in organizational Commitment, psychological capital, and job burnout among government and non-government officials. In the present research, data was collected using the Maslach Burnout Inventory, psychological capital, and organizational commitment scales from a conveniently selected sample of 400 teachers from different colleges in Mansehra, Haripur, and Abbottabad. The study's findings suggested a significant positive relationship between organizational commitment and psychological capital, whereas job burnout is significantly negatively associated with organizational commitment and psychological capital among teachers. Teachers affiliated with government institutions reported more job burnout, whereas non-government teachers scored high on psychological capital and organizational commitment. Female employees and employees with more than five years of job experience exhibited higher levels of job burnout and organizational commitment.
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