Nuclear and Joint Family System: Youth Perspective in Quetta, Balochistan
Nuclear Family, Joint Family, Youth, Perspective, Social ExperiencesAbstract
Every human being is a part of either a joint family or a nuclear family. Both types of families have multiple positive and negative consequences on individuals' lives, as previous literature represented various advantages and disadvantages of joint and nuclear families. According to Khatoon, A. (2008), in a joint family, the children's self-decision is discouraged due to the dominancy of the family head in all their choices. The aim of the present study was to analyze the actual experiences and perceptions of youth regarding joint and nuclear families in Quetta City. Even though the existence of joint and nuclear families has a strong influence on individuals' lives, there is still no scholarly work on them. Henceforth, the study selected a qualitative approach to analyze the experiences of youth (B.S. students) from the University of Balochistan. One Focus Group Discussion(FGDs) and nine interviews were conducted on the basis of data saturation through convenient sampling. Data collection tools included interview guide schedules in order to obtain rich pieces of information for targeted phenomena. Further data was analyzed through a thematic analysis tool. However, the findings of the present study portrayed the experiences and perceptions of respondents belonging to both family systems.
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