E Mental Health and Its Future in South Asia


  • Mariyam Amir Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.




Healthcare, Mental Health, Globalization, Industrialization, Economy, South Asia, Universal, Treatment, Diagnosis, Efficiency


The following article is about the significance as well as the contribution of e mental health in the world, since the twenty first century the world has evolved radically due to globalization and globalization, itself is a product of digitalization. With numerous electronic devices and technologies introduced for various purposes in the world, healthcare has also been introducing new biomedical technologies to improve health all over the globe. After the development of E health which included online doctor patent consultations and treatment, the specialized form E mental health was discussed where the utility of technology in mental health awareness and treatment was proposed. So, with the world moving forward towards e mental health solutions and interventions, it's very understandable and relevant to contextualize the south Asian interest in this area. This article further focuses on the cost effectiveness, benefits as well as the cultural barriers that E mental health might face.







How to Cite

Amir, M. (2020). E Mental Health and Its Future in South Asia. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences , 1(1), 13-18. https://doi.org/10.55737/qjss.592539900