Examining the Impact of Job Demands, Resources and Technostress on Psychological Wellbeing of Gig Workers: A Theoretical Model
Gig Work, Job Demands, Job Resources, Psychological Well-being, Technostress, Job Insecurity, Job AutonomyAbstract
The purpose of writing this paper is to give an integrated framework in the form of a theoretical model to understand the influence of gig work-related job characteristics on the psychological well-being of gig workers. A synthesis of existing literature in the form of research papers, conference proceedings, reports on gig index etc., is used to identify critical job characteristics, e.g., precarity (job insecurity) and flexibility (job autonomy) and stress related to extensive use of technology (technostress) which have implications for the wellbeing of gig workers. By drawing on the job demands and resources theory and technostress model, this study proposed a theoretical model. The result of this article can be used to guide ongoing research in the context of the gig economy to investigate the job characteristics and stressors relevant to gig workers affecting psychological well-being workers. The research paper tried to expand the understanding of JDR theory in the context of gig works regarding how job demand and job resources via technology-related stress mechanisms affect psychological well-being.
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