Developing Environmental Literacy through Classroom Activities among 8th Graders: An Action Research
Environmental Literacy,, Community Service Projects, Citizen Science Initiatives, Digital Platforms, Cultural Nuances, Sustained Engagement, Policymakers, Community Organizations, Environmentally LiterateAbstract
This contemporaneous study investigates the effect of classroom activities in developing environmental literacy among 8th-grade students of Govt. Boys High School, Bagrian. The research discovers the effect of classroom activities on participants' environmental literacy. A single-group pre-test and post-test experimental research design was applied. The data was assembled through an MCQ test to provide a comprehensive understanding of the outcomes. Participants who took the test were the 20 students of 8th Grade of Govt. High School Bagrian, Lahore. The participants were selected as a result of purposive sampling. After two months of treatment, the data was collected for post-test and then analyzed through both descriptive and inferential statistics. After the analyses, it was concluded that classroom activities can positively increase environmental literacy among students. The study's recommendations advocate for the integration of diverse activities in formal educational classrooms, which emphasizes the need for sustained engagement in environmental awareness activities to ensure positive effects. This research could contribute to the broader discourse on environmental literacy offering practical insights for educators, policymakers, and community organizations striving to cultivate environmentally literate and engaged citizens.
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