An Analysis of Outcome-based Education into Educational Practices at University Level
Outcome-based Education, Educational Practices, Integration, Teaching ActivitiesAbstract
Analysing the integration of outcome-based education into university-level instructional methods was the goal of the study. The objectives of the study were to investigate the integration of outcome-based education into teaching practices at the university level and to assess the differences between the perspectives of educators and students regarding the role of outcome-based education in educational practices. A quantitative research design was selected to accomplish the research goals. For this purpose, all universities in Pakistan were selected as the accessible population of the study. A purposive sampling technique was used to gather data from Rifah International University in Lahore. Sixty-five students and twenty educators were selected for the purpose of data collection. A self-made questionnaire was developed after thoroughly studying the related literature. The research tool was pilot-tested, and the consistency of the research tool was found .89. The collected data was further analysed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Mean, Standard Deviation, and t-tests were applied thoroughly to compare the responses of university educators and students. It was determined on the basis of findings that outcome-based education plays a beneficial role in university-level teaching techniques. Therefore, it was recommended that all of Pakistan's universities implement the outcome based on their teaching activities.
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