Role of Institutional Environment in Enhancing Confidence among Female Students at University Level


  • Fatima Khalid M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Education, The Women University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Uzma Munawar Assistant Professor, Department of Education, The Women University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Shaista Noreen Assistant Professor Department of Education, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.



Institutional, Students, Environment, University


The study focused on how the institutional environment affects the confidence of female undergraduate students studying social sciences (BS Education and Economics) and natural sciences (BS Botany and Zoology) at Women's University and Bahauddin Zakriya University. The study, which included the whole population of 355 natural sciences and 248 social sciences students, used a stratified random sampling technique, yielding a sample size of 196 and 152 individuals from each department. A self-developed questionnaire with 27 items and three criteria was used, encompassing topics such as institutional laws, personal strength awareness, and a sense of belonging. Descriptive statistics, such as percentage, mean, and standard deviation, were utilised to assess the data acquired during validation and pilot testing. Additionally, deductive statistics, such as the T-test, were used to test null hypotheses. The findings provided information on the perceived influence of institutional elements on female students' confidence in both academic fields. Overall, the study used a rigorous and methodical approach to investigating the research objectives, integrating quantitative and deductive methodologies to produce a full grasp of the issue.

Author Biography

  • Uzma Munawar, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, The Women University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Khalid, F., Munawar, U., & Noreen, S. (2024). Role of Institutional Environment in Enhancing Confidence among Female Students at University Level. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences , 5(1), 158-165.