Effect of Students’ Speaking Anxiety on their Self-efficacy at University Level
Speaking Anxiety, Self-efficacy, English LanguageAbstract
This study investigates the speaking anxiety among students. The purpose of this study is to examine the causes of speaking anxiety, specific situations that cause the anxiety, and the strategies that might be used by students to control the anxiety. This study focuses on the impact of speaking anxiety on students ' -efficacy. This study helps to understand the challenges students face and ways to support them. The approach of this study is quantitative and descriptive in nature. This research involves the collection of data and tabulation through a questionnaire. The population of this study was all the social sciences departments at the university level. All the data was collected from Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan. Random sampling was used to choose the sample size for the study. The data was analyzed in the form of tables showing the Likert scale. According to the findings, students typically feel nervous when speaking English in a variety of contexts. The findings show how language skills and mental factors are connected. Many people feel scared about talking in public. Studies prove that high anxiety levels can hurt students' overall schoolwork and their ability to talk easily. Understanding this problem makes us want more places for learning that are friendly and supportive.
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