Navigating Fear of Missing Out in Sustainable Consumption: The Role of Brand Passion and Green Consumer Values in Obsessive-Compulsive Buying
Fear of Missing Out, Obsessive-Compulsive Buying, Harmonious Brand Passion, Green Consumer ValuesAbstract
This research appreciates the role of fear of missing out on obsessive-compulsive buying by stressing the mediating effect of Harmonious brand passion, obsessive brand passion, and the moderating influence of Green Consumer Values. A quantitative research method was used to gather data from 440 participants, using structured questionnaires with measured scales from purposively sampled accounts active in fashion-related hashtags. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling with Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) since the research is interested in both the direct and indirect links between the constructs, which are often intricately linked in the actual production process. Research outcomes suggest that fear of missing out presents a direct impact on both harmonious and obsessive brand passion, which, in turn, moderates the relationship between fear of missing out and obsessive-compulsive buying. Thus, brand passion can be seen as a mediating variable between fear of missing out and purchase behaviors, and Green Consumer Values, although it has a weak moderating effect, imply that there may be other psychological factors that would explain the difference in compulsive buying. The study advances knowledge on psychological factors influencing consumer behavior in the digital world, particularly regarding the fear of missing out as a vulnerability that needs to be managed by businesses.
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