Elevating the Resilience of Postgraduate Students through Teachers’ Professionalism: A Cross-Sectional Study of Public Sector Universities of Punjab, Pakistan
Teachers’ Professionalism, Resilience, Postgraduate Students, Cross-sectional StudyAbstract
This study examined the impact of teachers’ professionalism on elevating the resilience of postgraduate students at public-sector universities in Punjab, Pakistan. Moreover, the study investigated the relationship between teachers’ professionalism and the resilience of postgraduate students. The researchers followed the cross-sectional survey design. The sample for the study (241 postgraduate students of the Department of Education from 10 public-sector universities in Punjab, Pakistan) was selected by employing a stratified random sampling technique. This quantitative study used two scales one adopted the “Brief Resilience Scale” (Smith et al., 2008) and the second one self-structured and self-validated the “Teachers Professionalism Scale” to collect data. We gathered data by distributing them via Google Forms through WhatsApp and email. We analyzed the data using inferential statistics, specifically Pearson correlation and linear regression analysis. Results revealed a positive impact of university teachers’ professionalism on the resilience of postgraduate students. Additionally, it was found that there was a significant relationship between university teachers’ professionalism and the resilience of postgraduate students. The study recommended focusing on the professionalism of university teachers and developing more interventions to enhance the resilience of postgraduate students.
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