Climate Change, Environmental Constitutionalism, Right to Life, and the inclusion of Article 9A to the Constitution through the 26th Constitutional Amendment
Climate Change, Environmental Constitutionalism, Right to Life, Article 9A , ConstitutionAbstract
Pakistan's geographic position, social standing, and capacity for climate change adaptation make it one of the globe's most climate-vulnerable nations. Pakistan is unswervingly placed as one of the nations most susceptible to the effects of climate change by the global climate risk index. This paper explores the intricate correlation between climate change, environmental constitutionalism, and article 9a, added to Pakistan's 26th constitutional amendment. It introduces the constitutional development of environmental protection in Pakistan, judicial interpretations of Article 9 on the 'right to life,' and arguments for the need for recognition of rights over the environment. Using the method of comparing legal systems, it displays the shortcomings of Pakistan's governors and explains how Article 9a can become a key to creating sustainable development, protecting endangered populations, and making Pakistan the leader of environmental justice in South Asia. Thus, the research finds that in order to realize the amendment’s potential to bring change and to align Pakistan to international environmental standards, much stronger implementation is required.
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