Examining the Relationship between Global Citizenship and Ethical Consumerism: The Moderating Role of Cultural Awareness


  • Dr. Syeda Quratulain Kazmi Associate Professor, College of Management Sciences, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
  • Dr. Sofia Bano Assistant Professor, College of Management Sciences, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
  • Dr. Kaenat Malik Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business Studies, Bahria University, Punjab, Pakistan.




Ethical Consumerism, Cultural Intelligence, Environmental Concern, Role of Social Responsibility, Cultural Awareness


The two growing concepts within the domain of international marketing are global citizenship and ethical consumerism. The present study probes into how the concerns of global citizenship, environment, social, cultural, and others affect ethical consumerism, with cultural awareness as a moderating factor. Guided by “Cultural Intelligence Theory”, this study contributes to an all-rounded understanding of ethical consumer behaviour. The research approach is explanatory in nature. For this, a sample of 388 male and female consumers aged 20 to 60, purchasing domestic and imported FMCG products in Karachi, Pakistan, has been considered for the study. The data is analyzed using the technique of Structural Equation Modeling through SMART PLS 4.0 software. The results provide insights into the dynamics of how cultural intelligence and global citizenship influence the ethical consumption pattern.

Author Biography

  • Dr. Syeda Quratulain Kazmi, Associate Professor, College of Management Sciences, Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.

    Corresponding Author: syedakazmi44@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Kazmi, S. Q., Bano, S., & Malik, K. (2025). Examining the Relationship between Global Citizenship and Ethical Consumerism: The Moderating Role of Cultural Awareness. Qlantic Journal of Social Sciences , 6(1), 114-129. https://doi.org/10.55737/qjss.vi-i.25291