Women and Politics: Empowering Women Leadership for Political Representation in Sindh: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis
Women's Leadership, Political Representation, Sindh, Multi-Dimensional Analysis, Empowerment, Gender EqualityAbstract
Research investigates Sindh women's political leadership representation in Pakistan by studying the multiple challenges they encounter at institutional cultural and socio-economic levels. The authors implement mixed-methods research design that unites quantitative survey findings with in-depth qualitative interviews and focus group discussions (FGDs) of female leaders, activists and community members. Rising numbers of women under political quota systems yet patriarchal cultural values together with institutional inequalities along with financial disparities limit their political influence. Citizens belonging to the lower socio-economic status and residing in rural areas of Sindh encounter resistance from their families and communities and limited resource access along with exclusion from party decision-making. The research demonstrates that female political leadership and office can be promoted through mentoring systems and interlinking networks and relationship-building alliances. The study proves the necessity of both systemic reform combined with extensive social cultural changes to push past tokenistic reforms that will deliver actual political impact for women in Sindh.
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