Long Term Trends in Rainfall and Temperature Effects on Food Security in Pakistan: An Analysis of 75 Years (1947-2021)
Rainfall, Food Security, Pakistan, OLSAbstract
This study investigates the rainfall and temperature impact on food security (Wheat production) in Pakistan. The data nature is quarterly, and the time period is from 1947 to 2021. Econometrics approach simple OLS used. The wheat production is based on January, March, and November rainfall and temperature. In the findings of model 1, the rainfall in January and wheat production are negatively correlated. Besides, temperature and wheat production are directly correlated with each other. In Model 2, the rainfall has a significant and positive impact on wheat production. In the same month, the temperature was insignificant. The combined effect of rainfall and temperature has a negative impact on wheat production. It suggests that the combined effect of March rainfall and March temperature has a significant impact on wheat production at 10%. In model 3, November rainfall and wheat production are negatively correlated. The combined impact of November rainfall and November temperature has a positive and significant impact on the dependent variable. The study suggested the government reduce CO2 emissions in various sectors as well as improve technology and hybrid seeds. Besides, the state also adopts long-term reduction policy such as other developing countries adopts.
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