Role of Teachers in the Promotion of Environmental Education at the Secondary School Level in District Mardan
Environmental EducationEnvironmental Education, Mardan, Secondary School Teachers, Survey Research, Stratified SamplingAbstract
The significance of environmental education is witnessed from the literature for all ages. Pakistan, in reflection of its various education policies, is trying to ensure the implementation of environmental education at the school level. The current study investigates the role of teachers in the promotion of environmental education at the secondary school level in district Mardan. The study aimed to investigate the stated role of teachers through a Quantitative (Survey Type Research) design. All public sector teachers from the targeted district constituted the population of the study, for which a restricted tool comprising 27 items was employed to obtain data through the stratified random sampling techniques. The collected data was further analyzed through SPSS using an independent sample t-test. The statistics showed positive and satisfactory results for the study by indicating teachers’ significant role in the promotion of environmental education and also highlighted that the female gender is more sensitive to environmental education as compared to the male gender. Furthermore, the current research evidently verified that the active role of teachers can make a progressive contribution to environmental education.
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