Mediating Role of Organizational Justice between Talent Management and Employees’ Retention
Employees’ Retention, Talent Management, Organizational JusticeAbstract
The primary objective of this study was to conduct an empirical examination of the mediating function of organizational justice in the relationship between several aspects of talent management and employees’ retention. The study employed a quantitative approach by utilizing a survey methodology to collect data from doctors working in Government hospitals, with the aim of testing the study hypothesis. The survey consisted of 265 questionnaires that were sent both online and by direct contact with the investigation respondents, who were doctors. The present study utilized structural equation modeling to investigate the impact of succession planning and talent development on employees’ retention. Our study also provides empirical evidence of the partial mediation between succession planning and employees' retention, as well as between talent development and employees' retention, through the mediator organizational justice. The existing learning structured the critical elements that keep the association alive as mediating variable. The examination of talent management and justice serves as a viable approach to effectively address the motivating behaviors exhibited by doctors in the region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Furthermore, this study has the potential to provide valuable insights for the health sector in other developing nations.
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