Factors Affecting the Attitude towards Permission-based Marketing
Permission Based Marketing, Personal Relevance, Perceived Consumer EmpowermentAbstract
The aim of the study is to investigate the barriers and motivation to permission-based marketing. The data was collected from young university-level students who are frequent internet users and possess all the necessary gadgets. Convenience sampling was used for data collection. A survey questionnaire adapted from various sources was floated among various social media networks, and the total responses received from the whole country were 298. The majority of respondents were from AJK, university students. PLS-SEM was used for data analysis, and the data were analyzed using SPSS21 and Smart PLS3 software. The results don’t support the hypothesis developed on the basis of existing theory, and the possible reasons are contextual distrust of online marketing. Online scams and frauds are the major factors of this distrust. The study results have implications for the managers for formulation of their online marketing strategies.
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