Scrutinize The Consequences of Bullying on Students’ Learning at University Level
Bullying, Learning, Physical Bullying, Verbal Bullying, Cyber BullyingAbstract
The purpose of the quantitative study was to scrutinize the consequences of bullying on student learning and behavior. The study aimed to investigate bullying at Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, its impact on graduate students, its causes and effects, and reasons for students' non-reporting. The BS programs and students of chemical and life sciences at Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan (garden campus) were the populations for this study. A sample of one hundred students was selected randomly. A sample of 100 (10 male and 10 female students) was selected from five departments at Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, comprising Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, and Zoology. A closed-ended questionnaire [Google form] with the option of agree, disagree and undecided was adapted from Shah (2014). The research tool was further validated through the face, and content validity and reliability .078 were ensured. Data was collected, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted accordingly. The findings revealed that girls and boys are both most likely to be bullied verbally. It was analyzed that bullying is the cause of absenteeism, academic decline, examination failure, and eventual dropout of pupils who are not feeling well in school. It was further recommended that friendly and close communication between home and school in order to prevent bullying.
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